The online racing simulator
#1 - axus
Useful reading material about racing
I thought it would be nice if everyone posted links to various sites containing useful information that may help beginners get faster.

I personally have two links which contain plenty of good information.

TurnFast : Driving Techniques
(Condensed information about getting around a track as quickly as possible - easy to understand)

Physics of Racing Series
(Very technical, not really a beginner thing)

PS. Perhaps this should be stickied so that all beginners can see this.
I've never wanted to try IRL circuit racing with a proper race car as much as now, after reading those articles
Not much use for me though, I think, but certainly good information for beginners!

Thanks axus!
Bah, it's always good to review the basics, sometimes we forget or misunderstood and could use some refreshing Most techniques
can also be usefull in daily driving, for security/safety, economy or just plain fun without killing people around.

I've always believed that provoking a car to lose control is the only sure way to know it's behavior at the limit and also to know where those limits are. More importantly, you learn to anticipate what to do once at or over these limits. If you've never caught a slide before, the 24th of december on a snowy road with your wife in the passenger seat isn't the best time to find out... Of course, i'm sure most of the people here who've driven a rwd car in LFS will handle it better than they thaught
#4 - axus
The Car Maintenance Bibles conitain some interesting information, especially regarding wheel alignment, tyres and suspension. Very informative from a setup point of view.
Quote from axus :The Car Maintenance Bibles conitain some interesting information, especially regarding wheel alignment, tyres and suspension. Very informative from a setup point of view.

Better check thy link
Yup, link doesnt work
#7 - Chaos
One thing when learning to drive fast is the order of importance.

1. The most important thing, alfa&omega of racing, is the racing line. First learn the line by driving slowly on the track. Look at the WR replays if you can't figure out the line by yourself. Everytime try to use the whole width of the track and what is also important, be smooth with the steering (and gas/brake)

2. Getting on the gas. After you can get your line right, learn when (just at the apex or a bit after) and how quickly to apply gas so that you stay on the racing line. The saying "Slow in, Fast out" comes here. It's much better to brake early and get the line right than trying to brake late and overshooting the corner. This is safest way to get some nice times, even when you don't know the track 100%

3. Get the braking right. Why braking 3rd? Because when you brake, you gain time only on say 200m of braking. Coming out fast of a corner gains you time the whole straight following the corner, up to the braking point for the next one.
Nice links, but perhaps for beginners it's to complex.
I think hints like these from Chaos are a better help for beginners to learn the basics, than such long tutorials.
But the links can be a good help for more advanced drivers.
#9 - axus
Sorry guys, link fixed. My Internet was down for quite some time.